TEA PARTY Sprinkle Blend  - Sweetapolita

TEA PARTY Sprinkle Blend - Sweetapolita

Regular price $12.00 CAD Sale price $6.00 CAD
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3.5 oz bottle

You are cordially invited to our Tea Party! Add a touch of enchantment with this elegant pink sprinkle medley - adorn with golden crowns and delicate roses fit for a Royal 👑


INGREDIENTS: Sugars (sugar, glucose, dextrose), Water, Palm kernel oil, Natural flavours, Carnauba wax, Mica dust, Corn starch, Maltodextrin, Magnesium stearate, Gum arabic, Confectioners’ glaze, Erythrosine, Tartrazine, Sunset yellow FCF, Titanium dioxide, Allura red, Brilliant blue FCF.

Ingrédients: Sucres (sucre, glucose, dextrose), Eau, Huile de palmiste, Arômes naturels, Cire de carnauba, Poussière de mica, Amidon de maïs, Maltodextrine, Stéarate de magnésium, Gomme arabique, Glaçage de confiserie, Érythrosine, Tartrazine, Jaune soleil FCF, Dioxyde de titane, Rouge allura, Bleu brillant FCF.